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Assisted living

Independent – but not alone

Assisted living

Independent – but not alone

picture: Lebenshilfe/David Maurer

Assisted living

Independent – but not alone

A flat of one’s own. For most people, that becomes a reality at some point. For those with disabilities, it is a dream that is often difficult to fulfil. The Lebenshilfe Hannover supports people with disabilities on their journey towards an independent, self-determined life. Here, we have set ourselves the task of helping as little as possible, but as much as necessary. We don’t abandon anyone – all the way from the planning and moving-house stages through to everyday life in the person’s own four walls. We are a contact person for everyday issues – from organising a household through to trips to official authorities or work. We develop trust and self-confidence, and in doing so give the individual the tools to start living an independent life.


Assisted living
Deisterstraße 24,
30449 Hannover

Phone (0511) 2 13 38 79
Fax (0511) 2 13 42 20

Carina Kottke

KontaktCarina Kottke